We take pride in being accessible and accommodating.
If you would like to schedule an appointment with our clinic, or if you have any questions about what we do, please contact us directly.
We welcome phone calls but if our phone lines are busy please use our call-back feature or leave us a voicemail.
We now offer online booking for those registered with a provider at our clinic. Most visit types can be booked online. Use the link at the top of the page.
You can email us directly at travel@pallisermedicalclinic.com. This email is not a secure platform to send private medical information or get answers to your health concerns. Call the clinic to obtain an invite to Brightsquid Mail Services if you do need to contact us on a secure platform.
Language Line services are used during appointments for any interpretive needs.
We are located on the second floor of the Professional Building at 740 - 4th Ave S Lethbridge. For those not able to manage the stairs, there is elevator access located on the north entrance of the building.
Contact Us
210-740 4 Ave S, Lethbridge AB T1J 0N9
T: 403-381-1013
F: 403-381-4011
E: travel@pallisermedicalclinic.com
(This email is not a secure platform to send your medical information or questions regarding your health.)
Monday – Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Closed all Statutory Holidays
Service Area
Lethbridge and surrounding areas
- AHS Language Line Services used for all interpretive needs.